ABOUT Sourdough Records

To Get Your Music Heard The Way You Want It Expressed

To create a company that takes care of our artists, business partners, and employees through long-term relationships
To produce and fulfill a demand for music that internally moves and touches the soul of all who experience it.

Sourdough Records was founded upon the soundest and fairest business practices known to man. These practices were developed by the late Dr. W. Edwards Deming. Deming's business philosophy is responsible for the high quality of electronics, automobiles and countless other products and services that touch every one of our daily lives.

Sourdough Records is a music industry "paradigm pioneer", breaking out of the traditional model of doing business.  Instead, we offer two unheard-of benefits. artists have creative control and retain control of the copyrights to their work.  This way,  Sourdough can look out for the best interests of our artists so that our artists can focus on their music.  Because our artists trust us, they provide their best work. Consequently, devoted fans never miss out. We are doing our best to improve the way all business is conducted. If you share our ideals, please join us!

sour·dough (sour'doe') n. 1. fermented dough saved for use as leaven. 2. a lone prospector for gold, etc. as in the Western United States
Webster's New World Dictionary © 1996 by Simon & Schuster, Inc.



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